On March 6th, ORT project managers presented to the representatives of the ORT Strasbourg school the Beaconing early mockups focusing on functionnalities both for teachers and students. The first learning paths targeting maths and coding/robotics were presented and the different possibilities in integrating mini-games based activities into them for bringing a pervasive mobile experience for the students.
The maths scenario aims at helping in reinforcing basic algebric skills for students facing difficulties and as a matter of fact is well appreciated by the educators in Strasbourg to help avoiding early school leaving thru a gaming approach.
The Coding/Robotics challenge was also very appreciated and will serve in classroom of seconde (10-11 grade) and technology for introducing coding.
The Digital Identity learning paths was also presented and will be used in most of the classroom to help in prevention of the usage of Internet in and outside of the school.
Further reflections on new beaconing learning paths were engaged with the 10 teachers attending the workshop. The next workshop end of April will aim at injecting those new ideas into the beaconing platform paving the way of the small scale piloting phase in ORT Strasbourg school.