ORT France presented to ORT Italy Milan the Beaconing concepts during a telco in which representatives of ORT have exchanged and discussed the features of Beaconing highlighting the most relevant ones for STEM based activities using a gamified approach.
In Italy, our network ORT school “Scuola ebraica di Milano” in Milan will conduct the piloting activities involving around 10 teachers and approximatively 100 students depending on the selected learning paths. The Learning paths targeted in the school are the one related to Maths Basic Algebraic skills and also the one related to digital identities. The First Piloting activities will be carried out after the training program that will be carried out in the School for training the teachers on using the Beaconing tools. Some selected expert teachers (one or two among the se of teachers) will follow the training program for learning designers aiming at defining new set of learning game paths or refined existing one whilst the other teachers will teach using the existing set of scenarios.
The next steps, will be the live demo of the early prototypes in September 2017