ICWL is an annual international conference on Web-based learning, founded by the Hong Kong Web Society. In 2017, from the 20th to the 22th of September, the conference was held in Cape Town, South Africa. ICWL Proceedings are published in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
During the conference, the UCM team presented the paper Integrating learning analytics into a game authoring tool, whose authors are Ivan Perez-Colado, Víctor Manuel Pérez-Colado, Manuel Freire, Iván Martínez-Ortiz and Baltasar Fernández-Manjón. The abstract of the paper states:
Educational games can greatly benefit from integrating support for learning analytics. Game authoring tools that make this integration as easy as possible are therefore an important step towards improving adoption of educational games. We describe the process of integrating full support for game learning analytics into uAdventure, a serious game authoring tool. We argue that such integrations greatly systematize, simplify and reduce both the cost and the knowledge required to apply analytics to serious games. In uAdventure, we have used an analytics model for serious games and its supporting implementation as a xAPI application. We describe how player interactions are automatically traced, and provide an interaction-model-trace table with the general game traces that are generated by the editor. Also, we describe the custom editors that simplify the task of authoring game-dependant analytics. Thanks to these integrated analytics, games develop ed with uAdventure provide detailed tracking information that can be sent to a cloud analytics server, to be analyzed and visualized with dashboards that provide game developers and educators with insights into how games are being played.
The slides of the presentation can be found at: https://www.slideshare.net/BaltasarFernandezManjon/integrating-learning-analytics-into-a-game-authoring-tool-final
Full text of the paper can be accessed at: http://www.e-ucm.es/drafts/e-UCM_draft_315.pdf