Are you a Games Master, Player, Fan, Spectator or Hermit?

Are you a Games Master, Player, Fan, Spectator or Hermit?

The latest e-newsletter on Gamification and Enabling Technologies accessed by the link above includes a review of 2 recent conferences whose primary focus has been on serious games and gamification for learning and development. The Thaisim 2017 conference in Bangkok included a number of practical examples of the use of gamification for learner engagement such as the trial of a game involving storytelling and the use of 360 video and playing cards to engage and inspire interest in geography, history and STEM subjects.

The Serious Play 2017 conference held in Washington in July 2017 also featured a number of workshops involving board games and card games for both learning and reflective behavioural change.

The e-newsletter also challenges readers to consider gamification as part of human DNA which manifests itself in different roles humans adopt in almost every human activity. The message for educators is that to influence engagement, learning and development, the students must be encouraged to adopt roles above the spectator level towards the fan, player and even games master level.