Advertising For Serious Games – Best Practices

Advertising For Serious Games – Best Practices

Advertising For Serious Games – Best Practices

One of the easiest strategies to implement for attracting partners and clients is advertising. Ad campaigns for serious games tend to be slightly different than adverts in other niches, which should always be taken into consideration when coming up with a marketing plan.

Here are some things that one should have in mind when advertising educational products.


#1 Choose The Right Ad Networks

* Google Ads (previously known as Adwords) are the perfect way of reaching people that are searching for serious games or researching the topic. Use them to target keywords and phrases that are related to your educational platform – this way you can be sure that the ads will be seen only by people that may be interested in serious game products.

* Facebook Ads offer a whole different approach to advertising. FB Ads use its own deep demographic and psychographic data pool to reach relevant users of your choosing. Think about the job position, age, and interests of the person that might be interested in serious game products and let FB Ads do the job!

#2 Create Relevant Ad Creatives

Each of the advertising networks above requires a different approach to presenting your message. Google Ads are intent-based, meaning that they will mostly bring users that are actively looking for serious game-related things. Facebook Ads are shown to all people that match chosen targeting criteria.

#3 Monitor And Optimize

Don’t simply “fire and forget” your campaigns. You should keep track of the analytics to make sure that the ads are reaching relevant people and that they’re bringing traffic to your website.