The Beaconing concept was presented by Lucia Pannese, imaginary, at the: “6th European Congress on the Use, Management and Conservation of Buildings of Historical Value” event
(http://www.burghauptmannschaft-kongress.at/en/Programm ).
Beaconing was presented to promote a new concept of historical exploration and heritage experience: a cultural visit can be prepared with the Beaconing authoring tool in the shape of a gamified lesson path in which the tourist can enjoy arts both inside historical buildings (with beacons) and outside (with the GPS of a smartphone) finding out about curiosities and historical data via mini-games.
This concept was briefly presented at the congress and to the organisers during a private meeting, as they are always exploring new possibilities to find out how to organize new digital services.
Also, they are working together with networks of European heritage sites and schools, to make the young generations curious about culture and offer a new kind of experience, using the most modern tools and language.