The BEACONING Accessibility Workshop was held at the INESC TEC pole of the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) on May 23, 2017. About 15 researchers representing the consortium partners involved in the development of the user interface and mini-games participated in the workshop organized by INESC TEC’s Center for Information Systems and Computer Graphics (CSIG). The event was also broadcast online through the Collibri Collaborative Multimedia Environment ( for partners who have not had the opportunity to attend in the event.
The workshop integrated a motivation session that emphasized the need for universal access in pervasive applications, and presented the general accessibility concepts and the main guidelines for usability and accessibility in the development of web and mobile applications. During the afternoon several hands-on examples were presented and discussed, in which participants were able experience the practical application of the concepts.
The participants also had the opportunity to visit the INESC TEC virtual reality laboratory at UTAD – MASSIVE Lab – and the Accessibility and assistive technologies CERTIC/UTAD Lab – Jaime Filipe Lab. A social program was also promoted taking the participants through the Douro region, classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.