In Bulgaria, at the Lauder-ORT “Dimcho Debelianov” School, in Sofia, a set of teachers in STEM topics, particularly on Coding and Maths will be involved in the Piloting activities. The Beaconing concepts were presented to ORT Bulgaria pedagogical representative there to address STEM based gamified approach. The Maths example learning paths was showcased and the possibility to define new learning paths for both chemistry and physics was discussed.

The high school curriculum, among the different tracks, will focus on the information technology and digital design & media tracks in which Beaconing will be piloted. The ORT School in Bulgaria is awaiting for the next training session in which the different tools will be presented in Fall 2017 involving 10 teachers from the different targeted STEM topics (Chemistry; Physics and Biology and Maths) and around 100 students will be involved in the first round of piloting in March 2018 focusing on the piloting of the Beaconing learning paths and then on the training of some of the teachers as Learning Designers for the second round of Piloting in autumn 2018.