ORT South Africa pedagogical school representative and ORT Paris meet on-line to present the Beaconing concepts and its set of innovative features, from the pervasive approach to the geolocalised problem-based quests for STEM. ORT SA, is involved in different IT projects and is leading in their country the group related to STEM and IT, in which they already involved some of the schools there for young students.

ORT South Africa, due to its reputation and expertise in STEM education in South Africa, particularly in STEM programs in an identified Specialized STEM school, in Soweto. The Gauteng Department of Education Schools of specialization are distinct from normal public schools because they have a strong technical and vocational content. Learners are given work place exposure and career guidance in their chosen fields to prepare them for the transition to work or pursue higher training in the STEM fields.

The school, Curtis Nkondo School of STEM Specialization was established in 2016 with the aim of changing the face of education in township schools. Each learner receives a tablet device to enhance their learning experience, while each teacher is issued with a laptop to aid their educational process. Learners have access to computer labs as well as free access to the Internet.

The project will be piloted with 15 teachers from Curtis Nkondo School of Specialization using the paths for learning with approximately 400 students.

ORT SA is also running Coding clubs with teachers and students as a STEM subject. The ORT SA coding curriculum empowers participants in mathematical and science skills, design and technical skills as well as computer skills. All three existing learning paths of the Beaconing solution; coding, digital identity and algebra will be introduced to relevant teachers.