How much learning can happen in a gaming episode?

How much learning can happen in a gaming episode?

How much learning can happen in a gaming episode?

McKinsey education researchers have applied “advanced analytics and machine learning”, on PISA 2015 data and “have identified factors that play a critical role in student achievement.” The PISA assessment programme of OECD has become an international benchmark of educational achievement at nations level. In 2015 it covered more than half a million students in 72 countries. Data from PISA is extremely valuable for researchers because it goes beyond the assessment scores and includes answers of a series of questions to students, principals, teachers, and parents about their practice, attitudes, behaviors, and resources. McKinsey researchers have derived 2 major findings:

  1. Student mindsets eclipse even home environment in predicting student achievement
  2. Students who receive a blend of teacher-directed and inquiry-based instruction have the best outcomes

Both findings relate to game-based learning: Regarding the first finding, when students realize learning experience can be playful, they discover a means for development with a reduced cognitive load. Regarding the second finding, core skills such as “information fluency, problem solving and communication” that is needed for the “quest for knowledge” in an inquiry are also core skills that game-based learning nurture.

During a game-based learning activity, such as a location-based game from BEACONING, there are moments of learning and moments of putting learning to use. Although these moments are brief and we cannot expect to cover broad topics during such moments, the whole process has great educational value, because of the core skills involved.

(Launching a location-based game at the end of a Summer Camp in Ankara)