Beaconing workshop at EC-TEL 2017 Join us and participate in creating a engaging gamified learning experience to reinvent STEM learning!
Beaconing workshop at EC-TEL 2017 Join us and participate in creating a engaging gamified learning experience to reinvent STEM learning!
The ASME 2017 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2017) this coming August 6-9, 2017 in Cleveland, Ohio, will highlight emergent technologies that impact the critical engineering issues of product design and development,…
An abstract entitled: BREAKING EDUCATIONAL BARRIERS WITH CONTEXTUALISED, PERVASIVE AND GAMEFUL LEARNING: BEACONING, AN ADAPTIVE AND PERVASIVE STEM DIGITAL TEACHING AND LEARNING SOLUTION was submitted to the ICERI2017 conference. The notification of acceptance is Spetember the first 2017. The conference…
Seminar at La Salle (Universitat Ramon Llull) about methodologies and processes to create Serious Games and Location-based serious games. Beaconing was presented as a success case. Workshop y #gamejam sobre #SeriousGames con estudiantes de @LaSalleBCN. Grandes ideas y conceptos!…
During the first EDUSPOT conference held on March 9th, in Palais des Congrès in Paris, ORT presented Beaconing concepts, a mobile learning approach for engaging students using gamified activities.